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Admin Steve WTH

Sponsoring Contest
First person to sponsor 100 people
into Wild Texas Hits wins $100
With your referral link.

Upgraded Member

1:3 Surfing Ratio
6 Second Timer
3000 Bonus Credits Per Month
Monthly Text Ad Bonus 1000
Monthly Banner Bonus 1000
Promote Up To 1000 URL's
Referral Credits 100%
Referral Sales You Earn 10%
80% Commissions On Referral Purchases

Tier 2

Referral Credits 100% - When you sponsor some one with your referral link and they surf say 50 sites you get 50 credits.

Wild Texas Hits
Steven M. Stafford

Free Members Commissions Has Gone From 20% to 40%
Upgraded Members Commissions Has Gone From 40% to 80%

Wild Texas Hits surf is 1:1 for
free members, 40 percent commission
and for upgraded members you receive
3 visitors for every 1 website you
view plus, 80 percent commission,
100 percent of the credits of those
you introduce to Wild Texas Hits,
1000 text ad and banner impressions,
promote up to 1000 websites and get
3000 credits per month all for only
$9.99/monthly. Free members who
surf 10 sites get upgraded free for
a few days to try out the higher
surfing ratio plus sign up credits.
Collect pay out as low as $10.00.
You also earn 10 percent commission
from the sales of people you
introduce to Wild Texas Hits.
With your referral link.

Let us sponsor members for you by
joining the ad co-op!