You Need Ad Budget Of $300 Monthly

You need ad budget of $300 monthly to do good in any online opportunity by advertising offline in newspapers, magazines, radio, TV. and to answer questions, mail out details and send them to websites. I do all that for you, just donate $300 monthly to me at and join any of the programs I promote. If we have 1 member that is $600 in advertising, if 2 members that's 900 dollars in advertising monthly, etc., etc., etc.,

GLDTI Team Zoom Recording 4/1/24

I'm running for President USA,
please tell friends and listen to this.
Write in S. M. Stafford when you vote!

Great Life Worldwide

Hi Friend! GreatLife is what everyone is looking for.

I'm your sponsor or upline,
If you have any questions - I'm here to help - Please contact me:
Steven Stafford
417-612-0103 text me

Dear Friend to be if not now,

We're Rocking & Rolling at GreatLife.

We're having fun, making money and helping people achieve their dreams. Come join our GreatLife Team.

Get Your Share of the "Half-a-Trillion" Dollar Global Digital Lifestyle product movement:

Our $20 monthly program is changing everything!

Earn up to $5,300 monthly or more without enrolling anyone. Our program pays 10 times more than any other program we've seen. We have NO Competition!

We offer Unlimited Compensation:

*Unlimited Weekly Generational Coded Bonuses!
*Unlimited Monthly Generational Coded Bonuses!
*Earn up to 1 Million Levels Deep or more with our Unlimited Generational Coded Bonuses.
*You can earn on ALL products, Digital and Nutritional 1 Million Levels Deep no matter who sponsors them.

Your own "turn-key" global business offers:

*Earn up to 1 Million Levels Generational Coded Bonuses! Never blocked
*Earn up to $9 per product no matter who sponsors them... up to 1 Million Generational Levels deep or more.
*Life Coaching - Helping everyone live their greatest life ever.
*Personal Fitness Trainers - Video Training Programs
*Celebrity Life Coaching
*Personal Chef Meal Prep Videos
*Financial Education
*Elite Global Women's Group
*World Class Exclusive Science Based Nutritional products

Right now... you can "lock in" your top position in our Fast Moving Global Matrix.

Our System Makes You a Marketing Pro! You're now a Heavy Hitter!

Our Automated System does 99% of the work for you.

With our DONE-FOR-YOU System, custom compensation and exclusive one-of-a-kind digital & nutritional products, no other program compares.

Our System is incredible. It's every entrepreneur's dream come true:
You're A Recruiting Pro
Earn Like a Pro
Lead Generation Systems - Online & Offline
Capture Pages, Follow up system
World-Class - Patented One-of-a-kind Products
Training, Coaching
Highest Payouts with the lowest qualifiers in the industry
3 Times the industry average retention and re-order rate

Refer as few as 3 people and earn up to six figures, no other program compares. Earn on every one below you, no legs to balance or cycle.

By Upgrading and Joining our Team Now you could benefit from hundreds, even thousands of people being placed under that join after you!

Friend, finally... this is it, you have found the system, company, and products that everyone is looking for, and you can get in at the very top if you join us now.

We are the ONLY company that offers you and everyone on your team a real opportunity for success.

It's your turn to partner with the industry's top professionals you can trust - who treat you like family and who are committed to your success.

Here's what's important for you:

*We will work with you personally every step of the way.

*We offer... Incredible, In-demand Digital & Nutritional Products.

*Plus, we offer... The Most Lucrative Compensation plan ever developed. In addition, we offer a complete step-by-step training & coaching system, all the tools and support you and everyone who joins your team need to maximize your success.

Get paid weekly and monthly unlimited coded bonuses to infinity. .

This is the company, the owners, the system, the products, and the opportunity we have all wished for - dreamed about - prayed for.

Finally, average people who have never had success in the industry are making money faster and easier than ever before.

"I Made it to Diamond Rank my first week with GreatLife. Literally, anyone wanting to have home-business has a real opportunity to achieve success with GreatLife Worldwide. The products, the compensation, the done-for-you system, the training, tools, and support. We have it all. This is it, this is what everyone is looking for" --- GreatLife Diamond, Shelly Ferree ---

"I'm all in with GreatLife. Nothing compares to what we have. The Compensation plan pays several time more than any plan we've ever seen. The products are incredible, plus, you can tap into the massive half-a-trillion dollar digital products market. Everything about GreatLife Worldwide is incredible! I've been in the industry for over 20 years and I'm more excited about what we have with GreatLife than I've been before." --- Ken Budd ---

Best of all, we can finally build something we can feel good about, that we know the products work, and the owners can be trusted. That's why so many people are finally... LIVING THEIR GREATEST LIFE EVER!

To join our team, check out my website, products and system, please, take a few minutes and go through my website.

"Click Here, Team Rotator "

I look forward to helping you in any way that I can. Please do not hesitate to contact me: Your success is my goal!

Steven Stafford

417-612-0103 text me

Company Support:
If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service department at (785) 534-1470, or you can e-mail us at We are here to assist you Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5:00 PM CST

God bless!
GreatLife Worldwide Support Team

GreatLife Worldwide, LLC
World Class In-Demand Digital and Nutritional Products

GreatLife Worldwide, LLC
(785) 534-1470

Great Life World Wide Is Here And We Have Changed All Links On The Rotator To Great Life World Wide, Please Keep Promoting The ADN Links To The Rotator. When Signing Up For The Rotator Give Your Great Life World Wide (URL) Link. American Dream still is Great With The Same Products & Added Services, Products And, A New Name: Great Life World Wide.

Coming To A.D.N. All New “HOTTEST IN DEMAND” Digital Products!

*Life Coaching *Personal Fitness Training *Personal Chef Cooking Classes *Financial Education (Stocks, Forex, Crypto, Credit) *E-Learning - Includes A Massive Library of the Most Searched Subjects for Audio & E-Books. Please watch your emails, a letter in the mail, and listen to our calls.

Earn Up to $5,300 Without Enrolling Anyone!

*Totally New Compensation Plan Pays 4 Times More than other Membership programs! *Totally New Unlimited Depth Enrollment Bonuses, plus Totally New Unlimited Depth Monthly Residual Bonus on All Products - Nutritional & Digital!

It’s The Most Lucrative Plan Ever Developed!


I'm asking anyone who wants to get in on my
rotator to donate $300.00 monthly to me for
advertising. Below is the ad I am running in
newspapers, give away shopper papers,
and magazines with the rotator link.

$5,300 Monthly Without Sponsoring!
Automated System-99% of work.
1-417-612-0103 Stafford, POBox/293
Lamar, MO 64759

I will put you on my high traffic rotator
if you promiss to advertise the rotator links
to at least 100 people/donate on Traffic Exchanges or
Safelist weekly. Together we can reach millions
of people online. Links (URL) Below:

Everyone On The Rotator Get's A Even Share Of The Visitor!

Who Sponsored You?
Powered by AIOP
More Info Privacy Policy

Join ADN Perpetual Ad CoOps

You can use this e-mail to send people here.

Call Schedule:

LIVE Weekly Overview calls:
Currently every Tuesday and Thursday nights at:
6 PM (Pacific Time) 8 PM (Central Time) 9 PM (Eastern Time)

The number to dial: 1-781-448-0243 no pin code needed

LIVE Saturday Training call:
Currently every Saturday at:
9 AM (Pacific Time) 11 AM (Central Time) 12 NOON (Eastern Time)

The number to dial: 1-781-448-0243 no pin code needed

If Your A Co-Op Member You Can Put This Banner On Your Site
The More Advertisers We Have The More Customers You'll Have!

A Remarkable New Transformation

Powered by AIOP
More Info Privacy Policy

Steven Mark Stafford

You May Not Like Me Because I Am A Old Hill-Billy
Maybe Not The Smartest Person In The World but, I
Have Helped People Become Millionaires And I
Want To Help You Too 24/7 365 Days Yearly!
You Will Be Took To A Ramdom ADN Members
Site By Signing Up Above Here Or Using
Rotator Links In Copy And Paste Box's.

Great Life World Wide is Launching Jan. 3rd 2024

Hi Friend,

It's like legal inside trading, knowing about an opportunity before it goes into pre-launch, but, this is totally legal, it's totally legit!

Our $20 Monthly business can earn you up to $5,300 monthly without sponsoring anyone!

Remember I told you first! Please, check this out now, you will thank me!

If you bought Microsoft or Apple when it was released you would be a rich person today.

Our Rock Solid 9 year old company is launching a NEW program into 200 countries Globally with the "hottest, most in-demand digital products."

*Life Coaching

*Personal Fitness Trainers

*Financial Education

*Personal Chef Meal prep videos and recipes

*Celebrity Life Coaching

*Elite Women's Group

Check this out right away on a P/C (computer or laptop) the mobile version is being updated... then get back to me right away:

"Click Here "

We are building our teams right now. We're paying 4 times more than any other membership program, plus, unlimited generational coded bonuses.

You can earn on all $20 Life Coach members under you, plus, you can earn up to $9 per product (nutritional & digital) with our Unlimited generational coded bonuses... 10,000 levels deep or more, no matter who sponsored them.

No one is paying up to $9 per product on every order, every month. So this will be huge.

If you don’t understand coded pay think about Excel where the highest paid networker in history made over $50 million with half the codes we have!

We are going to call it “Great Life Worldwide” and we will open in about 200 countries right away.

Everyone who is in the company now will be grandfathered in to the new company.

We are building and positioning people RIGHT NOW!

We are doing our best to place people under the people on our team now so EVERYONE can get paid.

I am super busy, please check the preview website and get right back with me if you have an interest. I guarantee you've never seen anything like this!


Steven Mark Stafford

1-417-612-0103 Text Me!


Phone Me Before You Stop By At 1-417-771-5505

Phone Me Before You Stop By At 1-417-660-4157
422 SE 1st Lane, Lamar, MO 64759 USA
I'm Working Here Most Of Time.

Bing, Bam, Boom, You Got Money!
Upgrade In All Three Is ALL You Need To Do!

If you want to sell collectables it cost $9.95/yearly for a
website. You will need to click on login-members and give them my
e-mail address: - when filling
out sign up form. Look forward to working with you.

You'll Find Everything You Need To Make Money!

Who's The next President of USA?
When You Donate Now or Buy You'll Get
A Free Gift Worth Up To $10,000.00!
Write My Name In Steven Mark Stafford
When You Vote For President of USA and
Donate Now! Quantum Club AI join now *F*R*E*E*

Discount Stamps - Click Here!

Join my FB Group!

We In The Money - Freeway -

Holly Grail!

Where I Stand for President of USA Rally Be There! #Rally Network Marketing Campaign Rally Monthly, On the 23rd | Lamar Join us at the Network Marketing Campaign Rally Monthly on the 23rd in Lamar! Stafford Presidential invites you to unite for a day of impactful discussions and strategic networking. This event embodies our core values of transparency and community engagement. Together, let's drive forward the vision of S.M. Stafford for our nation's future. Connect with us at (see shop in menu) or contact us at for more details. Network Marketing Campaign Rally Monthly, On the 23rd | Lamar Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of a transformative event at 422 S.E. 1st Lane, Lamar, Missouri 64759 USA. Join us for the Network Marketing Campaign Rally!

Look at the 4 dots in center of picture 30 seconds, then blank wall and blink 3 times

Rose Mary Church


Copyright (c) 2023 S. M. Stafford Co.