If you already own the domains that you want hosted, great. Include it with your order and we'll get your hosting account and package set up right away.
Not yet having a domain might even be better!. Choosing a domain name that will make you money is an art... Getting a good domain name is the equivalent of getting a 20 yard head start in a 100 yard dash. After you've completed the order we immediately direct you to a short course on how to choose a profitable domain name and how to structure your site in a manner that is GUARANTEED to get your site found and get you the traffic that makes you money. Remember, even our entry level package lets you host 5 domains. So whether you already have a domain or not, you can still get that perfect domain that will maximize your income!
We also show you exactly how and where to get any available domain name you want. It will take about 5 minutes, and instead of the $35 that some companies charge, we show where to get your domain for about $3 to $10 dollars.
SMS Hosting... Your Complete Hosting Solution.
Important Note:
Due to the unique array of software and services we provide, it is necessary to individually set up your hosting package, IP address, logins, etc... Although, usually the same day, it can take up to 24 to 48 hours to have your login information emailed to you.
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Do You Have a Website?
Do You Want a Website?
Do You Want it to be Successful?
Then You Want SMS Hosting!
Why Not Earn even more with us?
How? Every SMS Package lets you host multiple domains on YOUR account. We give you authorization to use our promotional video and gifts for each of YOUR hosting customers!
So, it's easy to sell your hosting services.
It's easy for them to sell their products.
You choose what you charge...
And you keep all the profit!
You automatically provide everything to your customers that you yourself receive. Software, incentive packages, etc… You just promote and sell your hosting service...
You choose the price
You choose the terms
Just add your customer’s domain to your account.
and give them their own personal logins.
Your customer operates their site as they would with any other company... the biggest difference? Now You get paid!
You earn every dime you charge, from every hosting package you sell, month after month after month…
And if you choose our GOLD package...
To Qualify to Operate and earn as a Web Master just order the EAGLE PACKAGE OR ABOVE.
Not only do we support you... if you choose to earn even more by marketing your hosting services to the public... we even provide support to your visitors and help you make the sale!
The ONLY service that
Trains You...
Helps Promote You...
and Even PAYS YOU!
No Problem! We Make it Simple!
Our state of the art Video Tutorials and intuitive site building software make every aspect of building your site, the essence of simplicity!
SMS hosting gives you everything that you would expect from the #1 service in the world and so much more!
No Company Gives You All of This...
With every basic or above hosting package you receive, at no cost, an array of tools that build trust and relationships with your customers and visitors...
Promotional Gifts to Each of Your Customers
Free Chat Software
Real Time Site Tracking
Search Engine Optimization
Real time online chat software
Mass emailing system
Auto responders
Payment Gateways
Q & A system for premium support for your visitors.
Customer Ticketing System.
We give you benefits and services offered absolutely no where else!
How to really get your site found and...
Get the edge on your competition by...
Providing your visitors with our state of the art promotional Medical, Restaurant and Luxury Vacation Packages.
Do you know how to get your site found?
We teach you FOR FREE
A website no one can find is simply
an exercise in futility.
Nothing is more important than getting search engines to "like" your site...
We show you exactly how we took a site that was actually rated the ugliest site on the net, to a site that for our targeted search phrases, was ranked #1 on Google and about #3 on Yahoo! Oh, and more to the point, it made money hand over fist!... And still does!
We show you, not only, EXACTLY how we did it, but how you can do exactly the same for thing for whatever product or service your site' offers.
It's not difficult...
You just have to know how...
This is all absolutely free with your
SMS hosting package.
On Your Competition With...
an array of promotional items ranging from Free Medical Discount.
Restaurant Vouchers, and...
Amazing Luxury Vacation Packages
All things being equal, your visitors will choose YOU because whatever your service or product, if they get it from you, they get sooo much more!
Businesses who use certificate incentives in their marketing & promotions see at least a 30% increase in sales. Give them as a referral gift, gift with purchase, gift for responding to a direct mail offer, among many other ways. Examples: "Visit our website" or "Come to our exhibitor booth" or "Spend $75 in our store" and you'll receive a 3 Day, 2 Night Vacation Certificate, etc...