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We will also promote your (url) link free to help
you in anything you may do online and off.
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the information your willing to share with me.
My Dear Steven,
It is with great pleasure that I'm sending you today, my Revolutionary Method. It is the most efficient method to achieve what you have always been looking for: Happiness.
In four "steps", I'll ask that you accompany me on a marvelous journey into the world of energies... a journey of initiation which will lead you, step by step, to the greatest of success.
I will first teach you to listen. Then, I will teach you how to purify negative energies. After that I will lead you to a complete transformation by positive energies. And, finally, I will lead you to discover the secrets of attracting luck in order to complete your "journey". You will have achieved victory over yourself and over your destiny.
I will only ask you for one thing: To read with the utmost attention, take my teachings very seriously, and to give them your greatest concentration.
You have a golden nugget between your hands. So, don't let it go!
Here it is for you:
1. Click your mouse in the selectable area below.
2. Click right mouse button and click select all.
3. Click right mouse button and click copy.
4. Click right mouse button and click paste.
Save it in your notepad.
You can go to open a business account, even if you don't have a business name, just use your own
name. Once your account is set up, click on tools at PayPal and create button. You will want to take the link (URL) to this site and put it in the custom area box on where
to send your customer after order is complete. Get the html code version of button for websites you may have or build and get the e-mail version or link (URL) to send to
your prospects. Put the html code you will get into your notepad. You will be able to set your own price. But, be sure to click on the "custom" link to put the return to
this page link for your customers after they have paid. This all is very easy to do and I hope I've explained how to do it good for those who are new to PayPal. The only
thing left to do is write up a ad or sales letter for these books and put your Buy Now Button or Buy Now E-mail Link in the sales letter or ad.
This is an example above of how a banner can make a sale for you.
Replace this link:
With your own PayPal order link. Code to banner below:
1. Click your mouse in the selectable area below.
2. Click right mouse button and click select all.
3. Click right mouse button and click copy.
4. Paste it to your page.
5. Save it in your notepad.
Support 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Monday To Friday!
Steven Mark Stafford
3801 S. Queens Ct.
Springfield, MO 65807-5330 USA
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